
Sundog or rapidcomposer
Sundog or rapidcomposer


The generators it has are crazy complicated but also generate some of the most usable MIDI.


I do recommend getting the full version, the extra tools are really the heart of Rapid Composer.


It also sounds like he's going to take the melody generator and make stand alone plugins out of it (I hope he does more than just it). I don't think bugs should be the major issue with deciding if you and Rapid Composer are compatible. You can see some of the history of issues that have come up.

sundog or rapidcomposer

There is a lot of logic behind how music works and it's easy for things to not work right. Most of the bugs these days are just annoyances. In fact I don't think I'm on a beta build right now. I seem to remember days where he would actually ship multiple updates on the same day. So much so I pretty much only ran the beta builds, which he released relentlessly. One thing I was wondering Matt, are the bugs show stoppers? Or more of annoyances?Įarly on they were show stoppers. For me it has helped me start thinking about music and music theory in ways I don't think I would have without it. I do recommend it very highly but not for everyone. It might sound like I'm not recommending it, but that's not really the whole truth. I think I have the most fun with it when I just use it as a phrase/chord/melody generator.


I know I'd get big wins if I did the whole work inside it, but I just can't quite do that full level of project management with it (part of the huge sections I have no idea how to use). While I think it might offer some big productivity wins if you go all in and use it to make an entire work, I'm still at the using it to generate short (less than 24 measures) bits which I almost always take out of it and put into a more productive DAW. Also download all the user generated phrases/content you can find on KvR. My only advice is to try the demo and watch some of the videos. There is a lot more learning material available now which can really help, but even still I think most users are going to find it's almost impossible to get a handle on. Huge sections of it I still have no idea how to use. I figure I maybe understand about 20% of it. From the very odd/unique UI that wraps the whole app to some of its crazy ways of working with things - it's very hard to get to grips with. But the learning curve is pretty much a brick wall.

sundog or rapidcomposer

You really can compose with it and it really can help you do that. While it does have some of the best generators out there, it also is one of the few apps in this class that I don't feel like I'm just driving a random number generator. That said in the last few years it has really grown a lot. The problem of course is that it has had bugs, pretty much non-stop. The developer is very responsive and has taken and fixed bug reports pretty much non-stop. I've spent a lot of time with Rapid Composer. I have all of these (Orb Composer/Sundog/ChordPotion/Rapid Composer) you name it, I've bought it.

Sundog or rapidcomposer